How to wash & store bras
How to hand wash your bras

Grab a small bucket or plug a clean sink and fill it with cold water. Add a small amount of mild detergent. Soak the bra in the water for 10-15 minutes.

Rub the bra gently. Focus on the areas that collect the most sweat. Rinse the bra in cool water until the water runs clear.

Let air dry by hanging the bra or laying it flat on a towel. Do not use a dryer. If you're going to hang the bra, do not hang it by one strap as the water dripping off can stretch it out and cause it to lose shape.
Fun fact: You don't have to wash your bra after one use (unless it's really dirty). You can wait 2-3 wears to help prolong its life. Just don't wear the same bra back-to-back days.
How to store your bras in your closet
- Dedicate a separate drawer just for bras.
- Line them up neatly with cups inside of each other to help hold their shape.
- Do not fold moulded or underwire bras in half. Only sports bras and non-moulded wireless bras can be folded.
- Step up your game by organising by colour.

How to store your bras when travelling
- Stack bras neatly with cups inside of each other to help hold their shape. You can fold sports bras and non-moulded wireless bras.
- Place in a simple travel bag to protect them from any dirt/leaks and to keep them organised.
- Balled up socks placed under underwire bra cups can also help maintain shape.